We make our habits; our habits make us.
When we are learning to dance in class, practicing at home or drilling with a video, we have choices to make about our habits. Will we warm-up and cool down to keep our muscles safe and healthy? Will we focus on our posture or let our butts out and our arms flop? Will we practice and ask questions until we get a move just right, or will we get the hang of a move just well enough before we move on, anxious to know more moves? I think in developing our habits, it's important to emphasize quality over quantity. At the beginning we may be anxious to move up and learn as many moves as possible - but if we do that and end up performing one day with no smile, horrible posture and weak arms, what have we really gained?! Sometimes we need to remember to slow down and focus on improving our skill. I don't know about you, but I really need to concentrate on this more. We have to imagine the dancer we want to become, and decide on and implement the best habits we can to make that a reality.
We form our habits - in life, in health, and in dance. Then our habits form us - for better or worse.
Just some food for thought. ;)
Very encouraging post. It's good to ask ourselves "Am I being my best self?" And if the answer is no, then peeling back the layers to discover ways to facilitate our personal development.